Course Description

Working with the angels changed my life and I know it can change yours too! Before I discovered the benefits of working with the Archangels I was living a life without much direction, battling depression and losing hope. But once my world was opened up to the Angelic realm and how they could really impact my life for the better all that changed. I am now living a life of divine purpose and direction, my faith and hope has been restored and my battles with depression are a thing of the past. If you are ready to meet the Angels and see what a wonderful impact they can have in your life then sign up for my online class, Meet & Work With Your Angels today! During this four module self-paced class you will meet 15 of the Archangels, learn about your guardian angels as well as spirit guides and be given an introduction in how to begin to communicate with your angels and let them help you in your day to day life. You will have lifetime access and receive any updates to the class at no additional cost as well as a workbook.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Meet & Work With Your Angels

    • Module One

    • Module 2

    • Module 3

    • Module 4


    • Course Evaluation

Your Instructor

Spiritual Teacher | Psychic | Healer

Kinsey Lee

Hi there! I’m Kinsey and I probably should write something very professional (and quite frankly, boring) here – that’s just not me! I really just want to give you a chance to get to know me so here goes! I am a spiritual teacher and healer who loves life and believes that you can have anything you want if you believe! I have a strong connection with the angelic realm – we communicate daily. I believe we all have spiritual gifts within us and when you learn how to use them you really can make your dreams a reality. I’m not just saying that either, I’ve seen it happen in my life as well as the lives of others! I love to teach about spirituality and am constantly learning so that I can spread that knowledge to others. Spirituality has so many facets and to be perfectly honest I can never pick just one! So, you will see classes from me on so many different topics from communicating with the angels to energy vampires and psychic development. So, I hope you’ll stick around and come back often to see what new things I have in store for you!